Teardrop Engagement Ring

Teardrop Engagement Ring : The Ring Magazine Pound For Pound.

Teardrop Engagement Ring

teardrop engagement ring
    engagement ring

  • A ring given by a man to a woman when they agree to marry
  • Especially in Western cultures, an engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married. In the United Kingdom, and North America, engagement rings are traditionally worn only by women, and rings can feature gemstones.
  • a ring given and worn as a sign of betrothal
  • The Engagement Ring (B?xt Üzüyü) is a full-length Azerbaijani comedy film released in 1991. The film plot is based on the same-titled novel by Azerbaijani writer Vagif Samadoghlu.

  • A single tear
  • Shaped like a single tear
  • anything shaped like a falling drop (as a pendant gem on an earring)
  • tear: a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands; "his story brought tears to her eyes"
  • Teardrop consists of just two members, Jono Renton and Pete Renton. Both are brothers and have been producing music together for years, and their latest project, Teardrop, has taken them the furthest.
teardrop engagement ring – Bling Jewelry

Bling Jewelry Vintage Wedding Engagement Ring Set Round 2-ct Diamond CZ Teardrop Sidestones Sterling Silver Size 6
Bling Jewelry Vintage Wedding Engagement Ring Set Round 2-ct Diamond CZ Teardrop Sidestones Sterling Silver Size 6
Truly stunning, and perfect for your bridal party! This engagement ring and wedding band set is made of solid .925 sterling silver. The engagement ring features a pave-encrusted decor that hosts 2 dazzling round-cut sidestones, 2 sparkling teardrop-shaped sidestones, and a brilliant 2-carat round-cut diamond CZ centerstone in a classic 4-prong open solitaire setting. The accompanying wedding band is adorned with two rows of diamond CZ pave. Finished with rhodium plating. A delicate, dainty wearing feel with a touch of a timeless sophistication. A luxurious sense of classy flair. Memories are made of this.

83% (11)


Let’s focus on diamonds for a bit. Every girl knows about the four C’s of Diamond buying, but it can be hard to remember what all the cuts look like. The cut of a diamond directly effects the amount of sparkle a diamond has. Cut can also affect how big your diamond looks. Carat is actuality the weight of the diamond, so depending on the cut a diamond can look bigger or smaller than a diamond with the same carat weight. A well cut diamond will look bigger than many diamonds of a heavier carat weight.

“What makes a good cut,” you may ask. The quality of a diamonds cut is affected by many factors.

1) Proportions: How wide and tall the diamond is will directly affect the brilliance of the stone.

a. Diamonds that are cut to shallows will not sparkle as much.

b. Diamonds that are too deep will not sparkle as well, because all the light will go out the sides of the diamond.

2) Symmetry: Symmetry of a diamond is how well the facets are aligned to make the diamond sparkle

a. Misaligned, clipped, and broken facets are common on diamonds. Look at the diamond, does it sparkle more on one side than another. If so, the symmetry is off. If you are still happy with the diamond, see if you can negotiate a cheaper price, because of the asymmetrical nature of the diamond.

Okay, so we’ve established what makes a good cut, but what do the cuts look like.

Asscher Cut Diamonds- The asscher cut was developed at the turn of the 20th century.
The asscher cut is the forerunner the now popular Emerald cut. It is square with cropped corners. There are several types of asscher cuts:

•Baguettes: Are long thin oblong asscher cuts.

•Step/Table Cut: Are square asscher cuts. They look like a pyramid that doesn’t come to a point.

Round Cut Diamonds- There are many verities of round cut diamonds. Some of the most popular are:
•Brilliant Cut Diamonds: The brilliant cut diamond was first cut in the 1600’s in the court of the French king, Louis the XIV. The modern round brilliant cut wasn’t perfected until the turn of the 20th century. Round brilliant cut diamonds are one of the most popular cuts for diamond solitaire engagement rings.

•Cushion Cut/Old Mine Cut Diamonds:The cushion cut was most popular in the 1800’s. It is a variation of the brilliant cut. The cut of the diamond allows lots of light to travel threw the diamond, making it one of the most sparkly diamond cuts.

•Single Cut Diamonds: A single cut diamond consist of 18 facets. Single cut diamonds are normally very small stones, like the stones you would see in a channel setting.

•Old European Cut Diamonds: The old European cut is an older form of the brilliant cut, that is less precisely cut than a brilliant cut.

•Rose Cut Diamonds: The rose cut dates back to 1520, and was created to resemble and opening rose but. A rose cut looks like a diamond that has been cut upside down with a flat bottom and a pointed top. Rose cuts can be seen in many diamond solitaire rings.

Here are some other cuts.

Trilliant Cut Diamonds- The trilliant cut diamond was designed in 1962 by the Diamond Company of New York. A trilliant cut is shaped like a triangle and has 31 facets.

Emerald Cut- The emerald cut is a long flat stone with mitered corners. It is less sparkly than many diamonds, but is perfect to showcase colored diamonds. An emerald cut settings often includes side stones to enhance the diamond. An emerald cut looks bigger for its carat weight than many other cuts. If you want a big rock, and are not as conserved about the sparkle, consider an emerald cut.

Heart Cut Diamonds- Heart cut diamonds are one of the easiest shapes to remember. It’s shaped like a heart. Choose the time you buy a heart cut carefully. Heart cuts are in high demand around Valentine’s Day and Christmas.

Marquise/Navette Cut Diamonds- The marquise cut was developed to resemble the mouth of King Louis XV’s mistress. They are most often seen as the center stone of engagement rings.

Oval Cut Diamonds: Oval Cut diamonds are covered in triangular facets. Most oval cut diamonds look like a swished brilliant cut.

Pear/Teardrop cut Diamond: The pear cut diamond was very popular in Elizabethan England. The pear shape is pointed at one end and round at the other, like a pear or teardrop.

Princess Cut Diamond:The princess cut was developed in Holland at the turn of the 20th century. The princess cut is very similar to the brilliant cut, and very sparkly.

Radiant Cut Diamonds:The radiant cut is one of the most recent diamond cuts. It was created in 1977 by the Radiant Cut Diamond Company. The radiant cut is a square or rectangle cut ,similar to an Emerald cut, but with more sparkle.


Diamond ShapesRound- This is by far the most popular diamond shape and also the most optically brilliant, because of its 360-degree symmetry. The ‘ideal’ round brilliant cut was calculated by gem enthusiast and mathematician Marcel Tolkowsky in 1919, to reflect and scatter the maximum amount of light. The round silhouette works with almost every mounting, from classic solitaires to the most avant-garde designs.Round diamonds can be set in prongs, in which they are visible from all sides, or into bezel mountings. In general, well cut round diamonds should be set with the least possible amount of metal around the stone, so that it is held securely but can still have light entering it to show off its sparkle and brilliance.The traditional choice for all occasions and preferred by many for their personal investment portfolio. The depth percentage should range between 58 to 63 percent and the table percentage should range between 55 to 64 percent. The most desired percentages are the 60 percent, and perfectionists will look for depth of 59 through 62 percent and table of 56 through 58 percent. Oval – This cut makes the most use of the sparkle of a round-brilliant cut, and combines this with an elongated outline which is particularly flattering on the hand. The oval cut diamond is based upon the traditional configuration of the round brilliant diamond and that’s why its technical name is oval modified brilliant diamond. The oval was invented by Lazare Kaplan in the early 1960s. A length-to-width ratio of 1.5:1 is almost universally considered a pleasing shape for oval diamonds, with any variation beyond 1.4:1 or 1.6:1 beginning to be noticeable and become an aesthetic issue.However as with all fancies, a certain degree of individual taste is always factored into the desirability of a particular diamond’s shape. Fifty-six facets are typical for oval brilliant diamonds. Over the last year or two ovals have become very popular as center diamonds for engagement ringsGenerally this is cut so that the length is twice the width, but this depends, of course, on personal preference. The oval shape is very versatile, and works well in almost any setting.Princess – This has become particularly popular over the last few years – developed in 1970, the Princess is now second only to the round in popularity. The Princess Cut Diamond is a brilliant style shape with sharp, uncut corners. This is the perfect choice for a combination between a square or rectangular outline with the brilliance of a round cut. Brilliant style refers to vertical direction crown and pavilion facets instead of step style horizontally facets. A princess Cut Diamond generally has 76 facets, giving it more brilliance and fire than the round brilliant. The Princess Cut diamond is fast becoming one of the most popular cuts in the United States. This gives a classic shape and beautiful sparkle. Although a square outline is largely preferred, some stones are cut in a slightly more rectangular shape. The princess cut works excellently as a solitaire, but is also particularly attractive paired with side stones such as trillions or smaller princess-cut diamonds.Princess cut diamonds are amongst the smallest diamonds in the diamond pool. They are inverted pyramids and carry most of their weight at the bottom. Though they are small, they look electrifying.Emerald -This is considered among the most classic of diamond shapes. It is always cut with blocked corners, usually to a rectangular outline, although some are cut to be more square. Because of its simpler faceting, larger inclusions tend to be more visible to the naked eye, so diamonds cut in this shape need to be of a higher clarity. Diamond ‘purists’ love the emerald cut for its simplicity.The flat planes of the outside edges allow for a variety of side stones shapes. Typical pairings would be two or three side baguetts,two half-moons, and other smaller emeralds, but not trillions ,as their sparkle makes the center emerald cut look flat. The length-to-width ratio should be between 1.5:1 to 1.75:1.Radiant -The Radiant Cut Diamond is a straight-edged rectangular or square stone with cut corners. Radiant diamonds show resemblance to emerald cut diamonds with respect to shape. The radiant cut diamond has 62-70 facets. Radiant are principally used for important center stones primarily for rings but also for pendant. They are rarely used for earrings or as side stones because they are hard to calibrate and match. These diamonds are also square or rectangular in shape. But they glitter more than the emerald shaped diamonds because of the difference in the number of facets. Since radiant diamonds have more number of facets than the emerald diamonds, they look more stunning. It is cut with the combination of the step-cutting towards the culet that the princess and emerald cuts display, and some of the triangular faceting of the brilliant cut. This is extremely effective as a solitaire but also works well in combination

teardrop engagement ring
teardrop engagement ring

14k White Gold Tear Shaped Swiss Blue Topaz Drop Earrings
Swiss blue topaz stones combine with gleaming 14 karat white gold for a look of cool, modern elegance in these small but striking drop earrings. They feature slender hinged bars of polished white gold tipped with pear-shaped blue topaz stones. The stones are held in simple three-prong settings and have a rich medium blue color and a faceted cut for maximum sparkle. The earrings are anchored at the top by round blue topaz studs which are set on 14 karat white gold posts with friction back closures. Their modest 3/4-inch length makes these earrings the perfect accent for any occasion.